#Fridays For Future

#FridaysForFuture is a youth-led and -organised movement that began in August 2018.

Derry played its part in the Global Climate Strike of September 2019 and a magnificent energy was present in the guildhall square.

During a period between 2020 and 2022 we had weekly protests at the Guildhall steps and took part in Global Climate Strikes, that was a special moment in time (photos below). We welcome participation and activism at ZWNW. If you are a Young Person, concerned parent or educator please do get in touch, you are very welcome here.


“When we start to act hope is everywhere. So instead of looking for hope – look for action. Then the hope will come”

Greta Thunberg

FFF was started by Greta Thunberg and now a global movement

In August 2018, at age 15, she started spending her school days outside the Swedish Parliament to call for stronger action on climate change by holding up a sign reading School strike for climate. Soon, other students engaged in similar protests in their own communities.

Together, they organised a school climate strike movement under the name Fridays for Future. In 2018 Greta addressed the United Nations Climate Change Conference. In 2019, there were multiple coordinated multi-city protests involving over a million students each. In the same year she also sailed to North America from the UK where she attended the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit. Her speech there, in which she exclaimed “how dare you”, was widely taken up by the press and incorporated into music.

Greta Glastonbury Speech

`This is where we stand our ground.'
Greta Thunberg delivers the powerful speech first heard at Glastonbury Festival in the summer of 2022. Over the last year and half she has created a book with over 100 contributors sharing their expertise and experience to paint a holistic picture. That book is The Climate Book:

Buy The Climate Book - Waterstones


Of course climate conversation and the Youth Climate Movement is not all about one person, or what one person says. There are so many influential activists out there… come join the conversation

more content and links soon:


Fridays For Future YouTube Channel




Extinction Rebellion

I never planned to become a climate activist. But things have changed, and now, standing here as a climate activist, I ask you all to become one, too. Here’s why, and most importantly, how. Watch Luisa Neubauer’s Ted Talk


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This is not someone else's world it is our world. We transform it together by being the change we want to see.