Photo of the team in front of the hub on launch day

Event details

  • Zero Waste Hub, 84 Spencer Road
  • 6 April 2023
  • 07:30:00 PM to 08:30:00 PM

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ZWNW Monthly Get-Together – In person @ the Hub

07:30:00 PM to 08:30:00 PM
6 April 2023


ZWNW Monthly Get-Together – In person @ the Hub

07:30:00 PM to 08:30:00 PM
6 April 2023


The Zero Waste North West monthly meeting is every 1st Thursday of the month at 7:30pm in the Zero Waste Hub. Our monthly meetings are an opportunity for the Zero Waste family to keep in touch with and get to know each other. We’ll also hear the latest from our current projects along with news and any new thoughts and dreams of those who come along.

This is an ‘in-hub’ event and not on zoom. Looking forward to catching up.