Event details

  • Canada Room, Lanyon Building, Queen's University Belfast, University Road, Belfast, BT7 1NN
  • 4 August 2023
  • 06:00:00 PM to 08:00:00 PM
  • Free event

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Advancing the Rights of Nature in Northern Ireland, the U.K., and Globally

06:00:00 PM to 08:00:00 PM
4 August 2023


Advancing the Rights of Nature in Northern Ireland, the U.K., and Globally

06:00:00 PM to 08:00:00 PM
4 August 2023


You can reserve a spot on Eventbrite.

Mari Margil and Thomas Linzey from the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights will speak on their work on Rights of Nature.

The Rights of Nature represents a fundamental shift in humankind’s relationship with the natural world, in which we recognize that we are part of nature, and that harm done to nature is harm done to ourselves. Beginning in 2006, communities and countries around the globe have begun to protect in law that nature has legal rights, including even the most basic right of nature to exist. The speakers will present on their work on the very first Rights of Nature laws in the world, how the movement has built internationally and is now advancing in Northern Ireland and the U.K., and how the Rights of Nature is needed today, more than ever.