Event details
- Ball Court ( Green) in Greencastle
- 6 August 2023
- 02:00:00 PM to 03:30:00 PM
- Free event. All welcome
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Ag Filleadh ar an Tobar: Returning to the Well
02:00:00 PM to 03:30:00 PM
6 August 2023
Rights of Nature Donegal would like to invite you to join us on Sunday 6th August in
renewing an ancient Celtic practice of visiting the wells of Brigid/St. Brigid around the time of
Whether viewed as a goddess or saint, Brigid has traditionally been seen as a protector
of Nature, including human beings. Some would even see her as representing Mother Earth.
Visiting her wells around harvest time was one way of expressing gratitude for Nature’s
abundance and of reminding ourselves of the need to respect the source of that abundance.
It was a way also of invoking Brigid’s protection for all of Nature.
In keeping with this ancient community ritual, we will gather at the Ball Court ( Green) in Greencastle at 2pm.
With some music and song we will begin our walk to Brigid’s Well with a reading of a Declaration of the Rights of the Foyle.
Heading up the Poundtown to the well on the Upper Road we will complete our walk there
with a simple informal ceremony. The whole event should take no longer than about an hour
and half.