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  • 28 January 2024
  • 02:30:00 PM to 04:00:00 PM

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Rights Of Nature on the March

02:30:00 PM to 04:00:00 PM
28 January 2024


Rights Of Nature on the March

02:30:00 PM to 04:00:00 PM
28 January 2024


The annual March for Justice marking Derry’s Bloody Sunday happens this Sunday 28th January. As ever there’ll be zero wasters and other environmental protectors participating.

ZWNW member Jim Keys intends to lead (with others) some easy to learn and sing songs that reflect the life energy that the rights of nature movement is emerging from. The intention is to infuse the spirit of the march with that regardless of the indifference of the powers that be to environmental catastrophe and the slaughter of innocents in Gaza and elsewhere across the world.

We frame ourselves as life protectors not protestors.

If this speaks to you, here are links to two of the songs to give you a flavour and let you get practicing. PUT YOUR ROOTS DOWN and ONE FOOT/LEAD WITH LOVE.

You’ll find Jim by the Rights of Nature and Zero Waste contingent in Central Drive at 2pm on Sunday