Save the Guildhall Trees
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On Saturday 30th March Zero Waste North West members organised a protest which turned into a lament at the spot of the ecocide of 4 trees (3 very mature trees and one smaller tree a few metres away) behind the Guildhall at Harbour Square.

They left gifts of flowers, art speaking for the trees and sang songs of solidarity, connection and gratitude to the earth. They also left protection orders around the remaining trees. The children joined in the protest at the destructive actions of the DCSDC by wearing animal masks, holding signs such as “No Trees to climb” and drew pictures of birds in their nests who may have chosen these trees to nest in.

We have nothing against the artwork, but we simply believe there are plenty of locations it could have gone without the need to destroy trees.
“Every single tree is a planetary frontline; a call to defend and co-exist.” Peter Doran.
DCSDC was the first Council on the island of Ireland to propose and agree to the Rights of Nature. We are, therefore, shocked by the unnecessary destruction of these trees through a joint decision of the Council and the Department of Infrastructure.
We are further saddened to hear of the cutting down of mature Cherry Trees on the Ebrington site – and we wish to raise this as yet another example of the disregard for the value of trees and nature by our decision-makers.

Maeve O Neill said “It is unacceptable for the Council to be cutting down trees during nesting season. This action completely contradicts any positive climate action the Council are attempting. No doubt they will find justification for their environmental harm but ordinary people see through this. We have so little tree coverage in the Council area. Every tree matters and Council should be leading the way in protection rather than leading the charge in destruction.”
Zero Waste North West are requesting a formal meeting with the relevant council decision-makers to discuss the council’s plan for planting new trees and nurturing established trees(including ancient woodland) in the City and wider District.
We believe, as Peter Doran put it, that “There is literally no substitute for the art of nature”