I was personally delighted to be invited to attend the Derry City and Strabane District Council (DCSDC) meeting on Wednesday gone. ZWNW was invited to attend by Dean of River Faughan Anglers (RFA) to stand and be counted, along with Prehen Historical and Environmental Society (PHES). We wanted that DCSDC keep to their agreement of letting us “stakeholders” (we prefer citizens) who participated in the process of compiling the Arloesi planning report, see the report and be afforded the opportunity to consider and comment before it is finalised.

Thank you to Councillors Garry Donnelly and Shaun Harkin for sticking up for us.

It is very import that “The Gathering” continues to bring groups like ours together and important that we are holding statutory agencies to account.

We were delighted to have the previous decision made by DCSDC Governance and Strategic Planning Committee reversed and for the information to be shared.


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