Thank you so much to Poet and Educator Maura Johnson for leading us in a creative exploration on the Saturday morning at the recent Gathering at the Seamus Heaney Homeplace in Bellaghy. The Theme was “Water Is Life”. Some of the beautiful creative people there have kindly agreed to share their compositions with us all below. Fabulous.

I am one with Water

by Jennie Sze

Water is inside me

I feel the water as there are bubbles

Small bursts of gas bubbling inside the water

The tingling sensation inside all areas of my body

Bubbling, letting me know I am alive.

I’m flowing in a current of life.

I’m flowing, flowing down a river

Water is all around me 

Carrying me as I float above the surface

Facing the sky, seeing the clouds in the sky

Patches of water in the sky, 

Reflecting on the surface of the water below

Like a mirror showing their friends up there

What we see down here

The river up in the sky smiling at the river below

Both moving by an invisible current.

Life is always, constantly moving.

Above me

Below me

Within me.

There is no stopping this flow.

There is a dam that was built by humans, trying to slow the flow of the current

There is energy blocks in my body, trying to make known something that needs a release.

How comforting it is when the dam is released

All the pressure rushing out downstream

Back into the river it has always been.

I am a river

I am a cloud

I see my reflection in my friend.

Like a dam

The clouds release rain or downpours depending on the pressure contained.

I am a river

I am a cloud

I hold pressure inside the water within me.

I seek release, relief, reprieve

I want to re-enter the flow that I was never really ever away from.

But I seek this union

This surrender feeling of oneness

Of peace

Of unity

Tears, sometimes tears need to flow

From inside to the outside

To feel cleansed once again.

This writing is inspired by Coleraine River.

The edge of the Island. Tir fo Thuinn

by Narayan O’Tuathalain 

I am at the edge of this Island

Water rushes up through the passage

Slapping the rock in churning white foam

The ground here is older than water’s memory

I step as close to the drop as I dare

As three seagulls call back and forth

Talking to seagulls under the sea

I only see a gigantic, prehistoric rock

As I slip down the grassy bank

Near sliding into an underworld

Of foaming water, chronometic waves

As I find my feet I look over

Would I survive down there, Tir fo Thuinn

Climb out of the watery cave, find a footfall on rock

The mother rock of this Island

But only the wing’ed ones will ever walk there

This writing is inspired by the headland of Banba’s crown at Cionn Mhalanna (Malin Head)

 Water Is Life

by Rosaline Callaghan

We gathered at this place beneath the summit of Sliabh Liag. Angry gusts tossed our hair and carried our incantations over the Atlantic, where they swooped over troughs and crests, kittiwake and a circling pair of peregrine falcons.

We paid homage and beseeched the waters of the wellspring to keep our sailing menfolk safe – to cut a boat path through the roiling ocean – and bring them home again.

We gathered at the Well of the Fair Winds, before the old ways shorn and scattered, before beehive huts and  transubstantiation of sacred springs to holy wells.

An Bhanna

by Mary McGuiggan

Panic, Anger, Fear

The oak barrel, black and silver

Overflowing, gushing

Rain water from my shed roof.

How dare they!

How dare you pollute my waters

Birds chittering from roof top to roof top

From beech to oak,   hawthorn to elder.


Suffocating slurry, toxic dumping,  

flooded river banks, sodden grass, parched hedgerows,

Withered plants, mud laden lanes, poisoned rivers.

How dare they!!

How dare you pollute my lands.

An Bhanna,

The Godess, the shining Bann


Overwhelmed, overflowing, oversight.

Her life ebbing.

The Flough, the spongy, wet bog, alive with fluffy bogcotton

White bristle like seed heads

Smiling in the breeze, healing properties, indicator of hazard.

Stacking the turf, spongy and wet.

Soggy sandwiches, sunburned necks,

Overbrewed tea.

Stories and laughter.


Sea Swimming

– by Veronica

Paddleboard Yoga

– by Conall

Water – The Mighty Notwani

by Les Gornall


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