I was reflecting during this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight on how, in this world of unfair trade, we seldom if ever think about the INVISIBLE servants we nearly all have in our homes these days. We get most stuff from the supermarket disconnected from the folk that grow and pick our bananas, our tea, our coffee, our honey our jam, our spuds and our carrots. So by pledging to buy Fairtrade for exotic stuff and direct from local producers who look after their workers for the local produce we are doing something concrete not just symbolic to tilt the scales in the direction of justice. Flagging that up is a way of spreading the word and the need for systemic change. That’s when I thought it would be good to see where the mood is to relaunch the OUR HOUSE IS FAIRTRDE campaign we launched a few years back which started well but fizzled out. Is there an interest local folks, you pledge to only buying Fairtrade branded products on at least two items going forward, e.g. for me its coffee and tea. You sign up pay £1 and we send you the window badge below. Part of building back better perhaps?
Find out more at Foyle Fairtrade Campaign Facebook Page.